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  • Writer's pictureTyra Samone

Tips For Your First Year Of High School

Yeah this is definitely not what you should be expecting when you're a freshman just coming into high school...

No no don't be alarmed! No need to be scared! Although high school is like a jungle and being the freshman you're the fresh meat or the prey...

I'm totally joking. However this is definitely what I thought when I entered my first year of high school. After watching all three high school musical movies I thought everything would be sunshine and rainbows. I thought we would actually burst out into songs at random times... naive freshman me. I even thought that I would instantly get millions of boyfriends, well not millions at least three.

High school is nothing like the movies or the shows you watch on television. Depending on the person it can be the best four years of your life or the worst. The most important years of high school to me are the first when you're a freshman and the last when you're a senior.

My first year made me realize what I needed to do in order to have a great four years. So I'm here to help any girl or boy reading who is scared or even just slightly nervous about being a freshman in high school. ...................................................................................................................................................

1. Join clubs, dance, cheer, sports, anything...

When involved in clubs you get experience in life situations that could help in class or outside of school. I was involved in speech and debate which helped me talk in front of classmates. I was also on my schools dance team which was fun. It got me into free games, I made more friends, and it just takes up space in your life so you're never bored. You'll always have something to do if your involved in something fun.

2. Make friends... but make sure they're the right group for you

Don't get dragged into the wrong crowd. Know who you fit with and who is good for you. Talk to everyone, you never know who could help you out in some way in the future plus friends are awesome!!

3. Make friends with teachers, counselors, and office staff Being nice to teachers and counselors and office staff always helps for when you need tutoring, scholarship information, or passes to class! 4. Be involved in football games, basketball, baseball... it helps social life Going to games on Friday nights are great! Its fun to cheer and dance and scream for touchdowns, baskets, and home runs.

5. Ask for help and go to tutoring sessions 6. Bring snacks to eat in classes that you can You will be hungry and it won't be lunch time for about 4 hours. Then after lunch you'll be even hungrier. The lunch lines are extra long and you don't have that much time to eat. 7. Don't be scared of upperclassmen... we're not that scary Are you lost? Just ask for help. Upperclassmen understand they were in your shoes not too long ago.

{PS. Those are my two favorite freshman who are now in college!!!} 8. Be yourself... of course!!!!

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