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  • Writer's pictureTyra Samone

Rest and Bloom

Today is Monday, March 30, 2020. A horrible virus called the coronavirus, or better known as COVID-19, has been spreading around the whole world, every nation and country for the past few months. Towards the middle of March, it had finally gotten so bad that many people had died, many schools closed for the rest of the school year, many people lost their jobs, many restaurants closed their dine in areas so the virus wouldn't be spread easily, many stores sarted closing earlier because of curfew, and many people went crazy and bought all tissue, hand sanitizer, and really aything they could get their hands on. But these people all feared the virus, instead of fearing God.

God is calling us to remember who He is. To remember that He is here waiting, waiting on us all to seek Him and to give Him our troubles. He is using this time of despair and fear to have us draw near to Him. We are being called to Him in this time. Many of us worked 24/7 before the virus hit, many of us were living day to day in exhaustion, many of us were living in sin wondering when God would make His presence known and reach out His hand to us, many of us were about to give up because we didn't know the next step to take and maybe we felt as if God wasn't hearing our cries. Many of us were "too busy" to come to God. We were selfish and only cared about worldly things. God is using this time to tell us to rest. He is crying out to us. "I was ready to respond, but no one asked for help. I was ready to be found, but no one was looking for me. I said, 'Here I am, here I am.' to a nation that did not call on my name. All day long I opened my arms to a rebellious people. But they follow their own evil path and their own crooked schemes." Isaiah 65: 1-2 God is always with us. He is waiting on us to come to Him and to give Him our worries, doubts, and fears. His arms are wide open, and He says, 'whenever you're ready.' He is here and He will always be.

Not only does He want us to seek Him but He wants us to seek others. He wants us to share the gospel. 'Know God, and make Him known." is a saying that my college ministry lives by, as well as 'Live Sent.' And I believe this is yet another thing that God is calling us to. God, our Father, is the gardener. He plants believers all over the world. He has deliberately planted you and me right where we are. He wants our branches to reach people. This can happen in every field of occupation, ever neighborhood, every city, every school, every place that you think you would not be able to share the gospel. No matter where God places us, just know that it was not on accident. We all have a divine calling and we are meant to make an eternal difference in our life. There are many hunting, broken, lost, and they don't know it. Our job as believers is to stay connected to the vine, God, and trust in Him. He will lead us and prepare us to bring His love and hope to the world. We are blessed to be a blessing for someone else. We represent the love of Christ. We are called to share this love to every person that crosses our paths. Our branches will reach every part of the world through one person, one community, one nation, one country at a time. So why don't we all stop, pause where you are, listen to what God is trying to tell you. Listen to Him give you a calling. Obey Him and bloom where He has planted you.

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